Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
NeighborLynx has a simple privacy policy: We will not sell, rent, or otherwise distribute contact information about you or members of your household.
If you have selected the "Keep me logged in on this device" setting in your Account Manager so that you do not have to log in each time you use NeighborLynx, the NeighborLynx software will store a copy of your e-mail address on your device. The NeighborLynx software will then use this information to log you in automatically. You can remove this information at any time by de-selecting the "Keep me logged in on this device" checkbox in your Account Manager.
From time to time, NeighborLynx may partner with advertisers or other organizations that wish to reach residents of certain neighborhoods or who fit other criteria. In such cases, you may receive a contact message (e-mail messages only) directly from NeighborLynx in conjunction with the sponsoring partner. You will always have the opportunity to opt out of any such messages.
Thanks for your interest in NeighborLynx! If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us for more information.